November 14th, 2019

CRISS Learning Framework
"This lesson was inspired by the Rivers of America Series that began in 1937. Three rivers are included in this series: Hillsborough River, Everglades: River of Grass, and the Suwannee River."
The following extended learning framework takes students through several steps to understanding how changes in the environment, such as human impact on rivers, can cause changes in how ecosystems function. Students will understand that writing and discussion facilitate deep learning and retention of information.
As a final assessment, students will work together to create a mural to demonstrate what they learned throughout this learning framework.

Using their devices, ask students to research and record the definitions of the words 'watershed', 'conservation', and 'primary sources'. Review the terms as a class.


Content: Students will understand that changes in the environment, such as human impact on rivers, can cause changes in how the ecosystems function.
Process: Students will understand that writing and discussion facilitate deep learning and retention of information.
Formative: Think-Pair-Share, Primary Source Analysis
Summative: Build a Mural
Content Materials:
Pens and Pencils
Highlighters and Post-it Notes
National Archives Photograph Analysis Handout (attached in Download)
Image 1 of “A Pretty Florida Scene” (attached in Download)
Think-Pair-Share Handout (attached in Download)
Vocabulary Map
Chart paper, colored pencils, markers
Read and Explain Handout (attached in Download)
Hillsborough River Virtual Excursion: https://www4.swfwmd.state.fl.us/hill/
(You will need Adobe Flash Player for the virtual excursion)
Book: River of the Golden Ibis by Gloria Jahoda; for this lesson the Prologue pages xix-xviii
Venn Diagram Template (attached in Download)
Book: Three Days on a River in a Red Canoe by Vera B. Williams
Perspective Entries: Three Days on a River Handout (attached in Download)
Image 2 of “A Pretty Florida Scene” (attached in Download)
Wetland Wonder Cards 1-10-WaterMatters.org
Analyze Online Hillsborough County Health Atlas Handout-see attached
Summary of Clean Water Act (attached in Download)
Summary of Endangered Species Act (attached in Download)
Summary of Migratory Bird Treaty Act (attached in Download)
National Archives Document Analysis Handout (attached in Download)
Project Wet Lesson: Rainy Day Hike (modified)
Lesson continues below. Click to download.
This learning framework was authored by Elizabeth Smith.