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What Is Florida Geo Awareness Week?
Every third week of November, National Geographic Education hosts Geography Awareness Week (#GeoWeek), a nationwide program with the goal of increasing geography awareness. Each year, state Alliances join National Geographic in their effort by spreading the word of GeoWeek with daily activities, lessons and resources. The FGA's annual celebration is always accompanied by a theme specific to the Sunshine State.
Our mission and vision
"The mission of the Florida Geographic Alliance is to promote geographic literacy by fostering innovation in geographic education and encouraging the protection and conservation of Florida's natural and cultural resources."
— As voted on by the Board on August 16, 2011.
Our work so far
Instruction in the application of technology to geography teaching and learning.
Access to decades of lesson plans, instruction on content and teaching strategies.
Encouraging research and innovations in geography education across the spectrum.

Welcome to FLGeoWeek 2024!
Our theme this year is… Celebrating Milestones!
Milestones are important moments or achievements in our lives that show how far we’ve come. When we celebrate milestones, we’re not only preserving history but also building a sense of pride, connection, and hope for the future.
Join us this week for exciting journey filled with activities centered around the importance and impact of milestones within our community. Explore a new lesson plan each day and help students acknowledge the meaningful moments around them

Recently Archived
Every third week of November, the FGA hosts Geography Awareness Week, a statewide program with the goal of increasing geography awareness. View the most recently archived weeks below or go to the archive to see them all!

Get Involved!
There are countless ways to participate in the yearly celebrations of Florida Geography Awareness Week! From taking your students on curated adventures through lessons and activities, to hosting an event of your own, educators everywhere have the power to make Geo Week special.
Past celebrations have included activities such as state-wide writing contests, school garden ground-breakings, beach cleanups, GIS day events and classroom guest speakers. The possibilities are endless. If you are an educator looking to host a FLGeoWeek event, reach out to us at flgeoalliance@gmail.com.
Check out additional resources from National Geographic below: